Anti-poverty banker to star in The Simpsons

 The Bangladeshi anti-poverty banker Muhammad Yunus is to feature in an episode of hit TV cartoon The Simpsons.Yunus, whose pioneering work on micro-finance earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006, will appear in the TV show as a cartoon version of himself.The episode will focus on his micro-credit work in Bangladesh, which has helped to lift millions of people out of poverty.His voice has already been recorded for the special episode, which will air in October.Micro-credit involves lending small amounts of money to the poor so they can start a business to work their way out of poverty.Yunus started his micro-lending business, Grameen Bank, in 1976 by lending $27 to a group of families in a village.Grameen has since grown into a billion-dollar global venture, with eight million borrowers in Bangladesh alone.Discuss this in the Finance Markets forumsStory link: Anti-poverty banker to star in The SimpsonsRelated financial stories to: Anti-poverty banker to star in The Simpsons:

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